Yearly Archives: 2006

Resolute Bay?

Wow! So if I was under the assumption that no one read this website before, I hold no such illusions now. Apparently there is some wild rumour going around that Heidi and I are moving to Resolute Bay. Not only that, but we’ve traded our house (fully furnished), for a one room igloo with a diameter of 21.7 feet. Any takers??

Boy. I guess this website will have to be a joke-free zone. Apparently my sense of humour either does not ring any bells, or it falls horribly short. Within 24 hours of the previous post, we were contacted by no less than 4 people to exclaim at our future plans.

Future plans? The plans are not to mow the lawn in April. I was complaining (tongue-in-cheek) about having to mow the lawn in April. My solution for this indignity, was moving up north. No. Heidi, Jake and I are NOT moving to Resolute Bay. We apologize for any such confusion.

In other news, we have the three baby cribs all lined up in the new nursery. 🙂 Any takers?


Little pudges has taken to imitating everything we do. We put our head in our hands. He puts his head in his hands. We walk with our hands behind our back. Likewise. We sit down with a sigh. So does he. While it’s lots of fun, it means that his parents need to be more than a little bit careful.

Last week, he helped his Grandma Roach at the yard sale. While it might not seem like a little guy can help out all that much, he followed everyone around (keeping the shoplifting to a minimum) and was the official greeter. I’m pretty sure we have a future McDonald’s host on our hands!!

In other news, it’s official. Heidi and I are moving to Resolute Bay up in Nunavut. While the chill might seem like a little much, at least I won’t have to be out mowing my lawn in April. April! I’m sure there’s something about that in the Constitution. 🙂

More Complaints

“Well the updates were good for about two weeks. Then two weeks passed. And if I knew who my hero was (the person who complained you don’t update enough) then I would ask them to file another complaint. However I guess I have file my own now. How in the world am I supposed to know how my big brother and sister in-law are doing? As well as that adorable kid I love to bits? haha Danny update! Although I must say. Your last update although short was amusing cause I get a kick out of people who forget shreddies. pleeeeease update with a cherry on top? And if you hate cherries then I’ll send down andres pizza. And I think it was Heidi who loved ice-cream so i’d send her yummy yummy ice cream. but that means you have to update every week for an entire year.”

– Another anonymous reader