Monthly Archives: February 2000


Suppose there are 3 roommates in a deadly shootout situation. We’ll say they’re using water guns (the new and improved Super Soaker 9999) and the worst that can happen is that they get drenched, in which case they’re “dead”. Roommate #1 gets to shoot first, but only hits his target 33% of the time. Roommate #2 gets to shoot second and hits his target 50% of the time. And Roommate #3 gets to shoot last and never misses. This continues until only one person is left standing. Assuming there are no hard feelings and there are no shots after one is “dead”, what should Roommate #1 do with his first shot so that he has his best chance of escaping with dry clothes? I’ll give you the answer next Monday, but feel free to email me earlier if you think you know.


It was frightening I tell you – frightening! It all started this morning at a most crazily early hour of the morning when I was taken into their sterile clinic and forced to remain seated for the interrogation. “Did I do this? Did I do that? Why not?” So may questions, yet allowing almost no time for explanation and answers. And they utilized everything within their power as a brutal method of intimidation. Bright lights. Implements of torture. Poisons to drink. And last, but not least, they even manipulated and poked at my bones – well knowing that at least two were already broken. And this all happens within the confines of our supposedly free country. I can hardly believe that they can get away with this, but they do. But when all was said and done, I am most thankful that I was released with my freedom and a stern warning, “No cavities, but make sure you floss.”