Monthly Archives: July 2000


So I’ve been out of contact with the world for the past three weeks and I’m starting to receive nasty emails asking me what’s wrong with me. 🙂 OK, so I could offer some excuses, but let me just do the briefest of brief overviews and maybe you can understand. Over the past three weeks, I’ve been home in Stellarton for one week, in NFLD for a conference for five days, finished two major projects for Carleton University, and put over 3000 km on my motorcycle. And that’s not even to mention the fact that I’m currently unemployed for the first time in over four years. Putting things in perspective, I hope you can understand that I’ve been a little on the busy side. You’ll have to forgive me for not changing the picture this week as I don’t have CorelDraw on this computer at home, and I no longer have access to the computers at Carleton. But does this mean I’m down and depressed? Not at all!! The Lord is wonderful and I had an extremely encouraging time in NFLD. I’m so glad that I went. Maybe next week if I have time, I can give a little outline on the meetings. Smile!