Monthly Archives: January 2006


Some new pictures there from an interesting event that Heidi, Jake and I were at this past weekend. Every year here in New Hampshire, they have a massive conference called Birka. It’s put on by the Barony of Stonemarche and everyone is in costume relative to a certain pre-18th century time period. A friend of ours introduced us to the group and is a very accomplished fighter in the Heavy List. Fighters are allowed to fight with their choice of weapon with the greatest numbers wielding sword and long shields. Very fascinating …

Attendance is more than 500, with everyone dressed in very authentic looking period clothing. In fact, you’re not even allowed to attend the event without making a “reasonable attempt” at the correct garb. People pay very close attention to even the most minute details of embroidery and style.

When it comes to fighting, people wear helmets of more than 15 pounds and armor totaling an additional 20 – 30 pounds. It’s incredible to see the style and effort that goes into into both the form and dress. This particular event only featured individual fighting in the “Bear Pit”, but some other annual events re-create particular battles with battle formation and fighting groups of several hundred.

Thankfully, there were no fatalities, only minor wounds. 🙂

Travel Nightmare

Did you know there is an inverse relationship between the outdoor temperature and the amount of time I spend on travel sites looking for trips to somewhere warm? Brrrr.

Heidi and I spent some time up in the White Mountains and in Maine over the Christmas holidays, but I find myself still searching for some vacation. It seems crazy when I had more than two weeks off in a row, but for some reason I need to travel for it to feel like a holiday. And not work travel …

This month finds me in Washington, Oregon, Arizona, California, Ontario and DC. It’s too much … and I know that Heidi would agree. Thankfully, it will be changing next month, but it still seems like a lot to make it through in the interim.

Thanks to Ted and Julie who made the effort to come up and visit us this weekend. You know, there used to be a time when I could beat my little brother in ping-pong. 🙂 Perhaps I need to spend more time with the robot. In the plus category, they just got a new table at work so maybe I’ll be getting more practice in the months to come. Watch out!

Smile! 🙂