Monthly Archives: March 2023


How can I adequately describe our vacation in one post when each day deserves its own entry? In an effort to keep it short, I’ll share statements from the mouths of the babes, which should give you an idea of the kinds of attitudes we had to put up with. 

Jake: It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime trip that we were on for the second time.

Isaac: It was very warm and sometimes it was very wet.

Ellie: The beach volleyball, the beach, the waves, and pretty much everything about Soggy Dollar was amazing.

Anna: It was great. Everything. There isn’t something that isn’t [great].

James: It was awesome. Fun.

Caleb: I would recommend going there.

As you can see from their enthusiastic responses, this gives you very little insight about what we actually did and saw and experienced. And even though pictures don’t quite do it enough justice either, they’ll probably illustrate our vacation better than (any more) words can, so here are a few of my favorites: 

Sunny Evenings
A rising star was found
Solar powered
Second mate
Look on the bright side
Full hearts
Adrenaline junkie
Melody makers
Would you jump?
All In


I don’t know what Danny and I were thinking in September, but having back to back birthdays in March is tough. You’d think I’d have it down to a science now, but as a lifelong procrastinator, I can assure you that I do not. Seven years (well, six really; I watched Ellie’s 7th birthday from the computer screen in the hospital room while holding newborn Caleb) of planning two days of celebrations in a row, saving time beforehand for buying, then wrapping presents, and cake decorating, and hoping they each feel special enough on their own days leaves me wondering why I don’t have a personal chef or maid.

This year was rather different since Caleb came down with a fever the night before his birthday and was almost too sick for any type of celebration. Combining that with Danny flying home from a work trip that day, we had to split Caleb’s day over two days, which meant that some of his ‘partying’ stretched into Ellie’s day. He was allowed to open up the traditional meal time presents but opted to wait until Saturday to find out what the rest of the wrapping paper was covering. He also chose to have his cake on Saturday, when the whole family was together, which was fine because we knew Ellie wasn’t going to be home for supper on her own birthday and we had to push her cake/singing off to Sunday.

Since Caleb had to endure so much waiting, I thought I’d take him to Chick-fil-A for a midday treat. Once we reached the drive-thru window, the employee recognized me as Isaac’s mother and called him over for a quick hello. When Isaac saw Caleb, he shouted, ‘Happy birthday!’, which caused several other employees in the area to yell out the sentiment as well. A manager who was standing there decided to gift Caleb with a free ice dream cup, drizzled in chocolate syrup. After pulling away from the hullabaloo, Caleb declared, “This is my second best birthday!” Imagine turning seven and you can already rate each birthday you’ve enjoyed?!

Though she is still a baby teen, Ellie says she doesn’t feel fourteen yet but is very glad not to be thirteen anymore. She was a tremendous asset in the cake decorating aspect of her birthday as she came up with the design, stenciled it on top of the dessert, and helped pipe frosting. Normally, I cannot creatively design anything and look to Pinterest for most of the ideas and then copy them. After Caleb requested a ‘surprise’ cake, which actually gives me more anxiety because of the whole ‘not being able to creatively design anything’, it was so nice to have Ellie’s idea come to life by her own hand. It took all the pressure off of me and I just did what she told me to do! Caleb told me, “She was the Pinterest for this cake.” 🙂 

Now that the birthdays are over, we have nothing between us and our much-longed for vacation. I have been in packing mode all week, and while we don’t need very much, it is still like trying to wrangle an octopus into a onesie! This kid has no shorts that fit, that kid has only one bathing suit, everyone needs laundry done, and where are the flip-flops you wore last year?! But the bags have been officially zipped closed and everyone is ready to go. I’ll close with an appropriate quote by James, “right here, it is like summer (we’ve had some milder weather again), but there I’m gonna get hugged by the sun!” Oh, I cannot wait for that hug!


Our winter has seemingly just decided to show up this last week. Previously, mini storms trickled through, interspersed by days of rain or unusually mild weather. Now we’ve just had back-to-back cascades of snow, which has been greatly welcomed by all the kids. Is it even winter if you aren’t trying to ski down your yard’s small hill or digging tunnels near the road where the plow piles up the most snow? I’ll even admit that the newly fallen snow is exciting because the contrast to our warm-destination vacation will be even greater. I wanted to say “better” there, but I know there are some people out there who prefer cold weather and winter to hot, glorious summer. To them I say, “it’s okay. Everybody makes mistakes sometimes.”

We are so looking forward to our vacation. Not a day goes by when our minds aren’t on the countdown to our departure date. Daydreaming about life on a boat for a week disrupts my sleep. Imaging running up and down golden sand, letting it run warm and grainy through my fingers, and laying on the sun-kissed surface invades my thoughts. Meals prepared by another and laid out in front of me gives me delicious anticipation while we wait out this last week to fly by. Memories are revealed by everyone at the dinner table with smiles and eagerness to have round two be as awesome as the first trip.

Whenever something big is about to happen in our lives, sleep is elusive. It’s silly, I know, but I lay awake, making to-do lists, calculating the pros and cons of the event or decision, predicting outcomes, and just generally stressing. There isn’t much to stress over for this trip, especially since we’ve experienced it before. The packing list is short and basically a redo from last time. I’d say the greatest concern is making sure everyone has bathing suits that fit them and trying to purchase said items that are still just out of season from the local stores. So, I lie in bed and overthink everything, while simultaneously thrilled for what’s to come. 

Last night was one of these nights. However, amidst the throes of the stress and excitement, I was struck by a thought that saddened me at first, but afterwards I was thankful the Spirit allowed it to cross my mind. Am I this enthusiastically elated and constantly contemplating the Lord’s return? Are my thoughts constantly turned to an eternity in heaven with Him? Where’s my excitement to walk on streets of gold? Do I consider the rest and nourishment I will get from the banqueting table that is set before me? Am I happy to ruminate on being in the Lord’s presence amongst thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, perhaps billions of faithful saints, praising the Lamb together?

Having your conscience pricked can be uncomfortable. In fact, it probably is always uncomfortable. No one likes being shown or told when they are wrong or their desires are misplaced.  But we know He gives beauty for ashes and grace comes in the morning. While I’m ashamed to admit that the Lord hasn’t always found me “watching and waiting for his soon return”, it is now my renewed pleasure and challenge to think higher thoughts of heaven and be more excited for the Lord’s return. But it won’t hurt to be able to do this from the bow of the boat!

“Oh Lord Jesus how long, how long
Til we shout the glad song?
Christ returneth, Hallelujah!
Hallelujah, Amen.
Hallelujah, Amen.”