
In a little over one week, I have had more than 30,000 hits on my Stellarite site. It’s been a lot of fun to watch the counts grow, although I suspect that a lot of this traffic is generated from other developers like myself that wander around the internet looking for new programs to browse. I’ve still been toying with the idea of tossing the design of this site and going with something more modern, but I always find that new designs are not always supported by those people with older browsers. It would be so much easier if I could just mandate that everyone was using IE 6.0 or Netscape 7.0. So if you’re not using one of these browsers … Heidi and I didn’t go too far with this week except to a million car places to find a replacement for her Neon. So far, we haven’t settled on anything, but hopefully we will soon. I really don’t think we can drive into Canada with my car right now, so we’ll definately need one before our planned trip to NS in March. Smile!