Car Troubles

What a week! In the past week, not only did we have a snowstorm of more than two feet of fresh, but this same day my car refused to start. Why is there always a direct correlation between the weather and my car? OK. What does one do? I call AAA and ask them to come over because my battery is dead. They send a tow truck over quite quickly (thank-you), but a boost does not start the car. So they ask me if I want them to tow it in. The obvious answer is “yes”, to which they reply that my car has to be free and clear of snow. Ouch. Several hours later and after pushing my car into an accessible position and nearly breaking my back, they return to tow my car in to the shop(some wiring thing). So that’s the end – right? Nope. Yesterday, after getting poured on for 24 hours with an incredible rain storm, I go out to start my car on the way to meeting. It turns over – but nothing else. It won’t start. I’m finally starting to think here that a new car is in order – one that doesn’t look up at the sky and determine whether it will start or not. This morning dawns bright and early with sunshine, so of course my car has no troubles at all … (sigh)