It’s Betty

Brazil? I guess its been just a little while since I’ve put anything up here. I could offer up lots of excuses for that, but the bottom line is that when nothing exciting is happening in terms of travel or houses and stuff like that, I don’t seem to find the time to do the update. Regardless, the past month has been filled with the typical activities. Heidi was able to make it up to Nova Scotia for her grandfather’s 90th birthday and her cousin’s wedding shower, while I was working in Toronto that same weekend. Other than that, travel has been limited …

This past weekend, we were able to drive up to Vermont and meet with Shawn & Lynn and family, Mark & Lindsay and family, and ted & Julie. It was wonderful to spend some time together in a truly remarkable old farmhouse. The brothers all went skiing on Saturday, but other than that we sat and talked and just relaxed.

No wait! Heidi & I also went snowboarding together (her first time) at a local hill. I’m sure her account of the riding would be quite different than mine, but let me give you the facts. After making it to the top for the first time, I consulted with the trail map and decided to take her down a nice easy green trail. I must say that I was a bit perplexed at the level of difficulty of the trail, but nevertheless we made it down. When we made it to the bottom, I asked the lift guy what run we had gone down. He informed me that it was the most difficult diamond at the hill. Oops. Anyway, although Heidi was convinced I was trying to kill her, it did mean that she learned excellant control and her second run down the hill (on a green run) went excellant. I don’t know anyone who learned so quickly to ride in control. Who knows? Perhaps everyone should start their first run on a black diamond … Smile!