Thai Dive

Phuket, ThailandThat was quick!  Around the world in a week.  I guess it’s because of the tailwind, but we flew east heading to Thailand out of New York, and then east again on the way home with the same airline, same flight.

Tuesday was my day "off" in that I got to leave the resort (nicest place I have ever stayed) and head to the southern tip of Phuket and out into the Andaman Sea.  Leaving the resort meant that I got a small taste for the culture of the local culture.  You know that life is cheap when you have a family of six (that was the record) all piled on to a 125cc scooter.  While I only saw that once, it was not unusual to see a mother, father and their three children all piled on.  The largest child would be on the handlebars, the smallest child between the mother and father and facing the back, and the middle child sitting on the lap of the driver.  I thought to myself, "Do we really need a minivan?"  Of course if you have a family the size of Craig and Heather, there is always room to grow.  The record number of people when you add a sidecar (more of a basket) was eleven.  The driving was as bad as anything I’ve seen and it was a wonder to me that more people aren’t killed.

Despite the craziness on the road, people are exceedingly polite and helpful with any kind of question.  Although I didn’t have the opportunity to really explore the local markets (it was down to the coast and out on the boat), I did wander along the pier and get to eat some of the "local" Thai food.  Thai food, being my favorite, can simply not taste any better.  The people from work of course, told me I was missing a few screws to eat at the local shacks, but I didn’t suffer any effects.

The diving in Phuket was probably the best I’ve ever done with the exception of the Red Sea.  There wasn’t really the explosion of color in the plants that there was in Red Sea, but the quantity and diversity of fish was unmatched.  There were times when there were so many fish around me, that I couldn’t see the other divers only 20 feet away.  I was disappointed though with Shark Point.  It’s known to be home to as many as 20 to 30 sharks that are anywhere up to eight feet.  I’m not sure if was the tides or the time, but we didn’t get to see any big ones.  There were some four footers, but  we have them off Boston and it’s just not the same.

Anyway, it’s back from 95 degrees and sunny to the mid-forties and drizzling here in Boston.  Think that’s bad?  Not a chance.  Give me the cool air anytime over the humidity of the equator.  🙂