Answered Prayers

Three weeks once more since I’ve updated this page – but this time I do have an excuse. I had been working on a new design for the page which I liked far more than the current one (did not contain DHTML), but after spending a while one it, I realized that it was not compatible on Netscape 4. The funny thing was that it displayed properly on IE 3 and above as well as Netscape 3.0, just not Netscape 4.0. Anyway, so what’s happening in my life? Well, this weekend I was home to Nova Scotia for the Stellarton conference, and this was wonderful. Two reading meetings were on Hebrews 1 which I very much enjoyed, and the third reading was on 1 Corinthians 10. I highly recommend getting the tapes if you can. Plus, it was wonderful to be home and sit in the living room at 130 MacKay st, and talk with my family. But besides all this, I received the absolutely best news I’ve heard all year this weekend … something that absolutely thrilled me. It has left a smile on my face. And you know what? I’m not the only one. Besides many many others, there is also joy in the presence of the angels in heaven. God truly answers prayers.