Resolute to Stay

There will be no moves to Resolute Bay this year. Here we are, firmly into April, and we still are able to “enjoy” a winter storm. (Wait, I was out on my motorcycle last Saturday, but we’ll ignore that for a moment.) At 3:31 AM last night, Heidi and I heard a crash that we thought surely was the collapse of our garage after a meteor strike. It wasn’t. Along with the help of the wind, one of the trees out back collapsed under the weight of the snow that was burying our yard. And we’re not talking a little sapling. This was a 67 foot tall, 4 foot in circumference, 16 inch diameter maple tree. (I measured.) The fence in our back yard will need a nail or two, and the siding and roof will need some work, but we’re thankful that the Lord allowed it to fall the way it did. About 5 feet to the left and … Heidi wouldn’t have a walk-in closet, the bathroom would be missing a tub and we might not have been able to write this update. Yay for snow in Hudson. No Resolute Bay required! 🙂