Around Home

Well, it’s that day of the week again and everyone knows that I do updates on Monday. I wouldn’t want anyone to be disappointed.

Current events at the Allan home are a bit chaotic with Jake learning to use the “potty”, and Isaac swimming/crawling his way into everything. On the former event, the chart on the fridge is rapidly being filled with stickers. The first few days were a bit wet, but things are drying up around here. Isaac has been very mobile these days and follows the action 24/7. While Jake liked going down for naps and still likes going to bed, I’m afraid that Isaac doesn’t really sleep at all. Something might happen and he might miss it. Going into his room at 3am? No problems. He’s standing at the crib rail, wondering what’s up.

Spring and summer have been here and gone. With temperatures up in the 90s a few weeks back, the wind grew chillier last week and I’m expecting the leaves to turn any time now. Still, I’ve been able to get some cold water Northern Atlantic diving in – woo hoo.

What else? Hmmm. Oh yes … I got two birthday presents recently for my 30th birthday. One was a birthday card just last week, and the second was a remote control helicopter that I’ve been having fun with. Actually, Jake has the most fun of all and asks Daddy to “fly big tupt” as soon as I wake up or walk in the door from work. These are the fun things to do with your little boy. 🙂